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Bylaw No. 2483-2015

Street Naming and Addressing Bylaw, 2015

Consolidated and printed by authority of the Corporate Officer under section 139 of the Community Charter. Includes amendment bylaws 2581-2016, 2612-2016, and 3279-2023 . Last amended June 26, 2023.

 1 Citation
 2 Interpretation
 3 Street naming
 4 Renaming streets
 5 Street addressing
 6 Offence and penalties
 7 Repeal
Schedule "A"
Schedule "B"

The Council of the City of Abbotsford, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS:


1   Bylaw No. 2483-2015 may be cited as the "Street Naming and Addressing Bylaw, 2015".


2   (a) Schedule "A" contains definitions of terms used in this bylaw.

(b) Except as otherwise defined in this bylaw, words or phrases herein shall be construed in accordance with their meanings under the Community Charter, Local Government Act, and Interpretation Act, as the context and circumstances may require.

(c) A reference to a statute refers to a statute of the Province of British Columbia, and a reference to any statute, regulation or bylaw refers to that enactment, as amended or replaced from time to time.

(d) Words in the singular include the plural and gender specific terms include both genders and corporations. Headings in this bylaw are for convenience only and must not be construed as defining, or in any way limiting the scope or intent of this bylaw.

(e) If any part of this bylaw is held to be invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, the invalid part is severed and the remainder continues to be valid.

Street naming

3   Streets are named in accordance with the following criteria:

(a) Street Name Categories

The proposed street name must be reasonably easy to spell and pronounce, have no adverse connotations and are:

(i) names reflecting a particular location in the City or in proximity to a major landmark;

(ii) names reflecting the Abbotsford and Fraser Valley landscape, cultural heritage or ethnic diversity including, but not limited to: indigenous flora and fauna, topography, pioneers, or cultural elements;

(iii) names of Abbotsford residents who have achieved remarkable success in their field at the local, provincial, federal or international levels; or

(iv) first or last names of individuals not included in Subsection (iii).

(b) Application of Names

The application of a street name must:

(i) provide a common theme in a particular subdivision or sub-area of the City without repeating one (1) name with multiple suffixes; and

(ii) associate, where possible, with the geographic area in which these will occur.

(c) Street Name Suffixes

Suffixes are determined based on the street type; and are applied to the following types of streets:

(i) Avenue (Ave) - east-west through street;

(ii) Boulevard (Blvd) - street which has a planted median divider;

(iii) Crescent (Cr) - loop street commencing on and ending on the same street;

(iv) Court (Ct) - non-through street (cul-de-sac);

(v) Drive (Dr) - through street with changes of direction;

(vi) Lane - service/access street behind homes and businesses;

(vii) Place (Pl) - non-through street (cul-de-sac);

(viii) Road (Rd) - urban or rural collector;

(ix) Street (St) - north-south through street; and

(x) Way - through street with changes of direction.

(d) Street Naming Process

The process for approving a street name is as follows:

(i) street name proposals are processed through Planning and Development Services;

(ii) a written request is submitted to Planning and Development Services, as part of the subdivision approval process, including:

(A) a brief, but complete, explanation of the reasons for the proposed name(s);

(B) the street name category, as set out in Subsection (a), how the proposed name applies;

(C) a map identifying all streets with the associated proposed names;

(iii) the proposed street name is circulated to the appropriate City departments for information purposes; and

(iv) the General Manager, Planning and Development Services, is authorized to approve the assignment of a street name.

(v) Notwithstanding Subsection (iv), where a street naming proposal is submitted under Section 3 (a) (iii), Planning and Development Services will submit the street naming proposal, and the recommended street name, for Council's consideration and approval.

(e) [Repealed. B/L 3279-2023]

B/L 2612-2016; 3279-2023

Renaming streets

4   Streets are renamed in accordance with the following criteria:

(a) Reasons for Renaming Streets

Streets may be renamed for the following reasons:

(i) on a case by case basis, for duplicate or similar name situations;

(ii) where a street or street realignment connects streets with different names to form one continuous street; or

(iii) where Council deems it appropriate to rename an existing street.

(b) Information Gathering

The following information is collected for all requests concerning the renaming of streets:

(i) historic significance of the existing street name and the length of time each existed;

(ii) total number of street addresses on the street affected;

(iii) current land use at each address;

(iv) in-stream development applications on the street affected; and

(v) existing and planned road system for the affected area.

(c) Street Renaming Process

The process for approving a street renaming proposal is as follows:

(i) street renaming proposals are processed through Planning and Development Services;

(ii) street renaming proposals may be highlighted by Council or by City staff;

(iii) proposed street renaming must use names conforming to the Street Naming criteria, as set out in Section 3;

(iv) Owners or Occupiers affected by the proposed renaming will be consulted during a public information meeting with respect to the proposed renaming and implementation;

(v) Planning and Development Services will submit a street renaming proposal, for Council's consideration and approval, including the information gathered, as set out in Subsection (b), a summary of input received during the public information meeting, and the recommended street name;

(vi) as part of implementation, a minimum one (1) month notice of a street renaming must be provided to Owners or Occupiers affected by the proposed street renaming;

(vii) street name changes will not take place in the periods: April 15 to July 1; and November 1 to January 15;

(viii) any Owner, Occupier or Developer who seeks to rename a street must appear before Council, as a delegation, to present their proposal; and

(ix) any Owner, Occupier or Developer who requests the change will bear the costs of reimbursement for up to six (6) months of change address service with Canada Post for Owners and Occupiers affected by the changed street name.

Street addressing

5   (a) Single Family and Duplex Addressing

The City provides a consistent approach in the assignment of addresses for single family and duplex dwellings, including basement suites and detached accessory suites. Addresses are assigned by the Geomatics Division on the following basis:

(i) a single family dwelling is assigned an address based on the fronting street;

(ii) a single family dwelling on a corner lot is addressed off the street to which the front door faces;

(iii) a duplex dwelling is given separate addresses for each dwelling;

(iv) a duplex dwelling on a corner lot is addressed to each street that each front door faces;

(v) for properties on which two (2) or more dwellings are permitted, each dwelling is assigned a separate civic address; and does not apply to detached accessory suites, mainly for rural residential lots;

(vi) accessory dwelling units are not assigned separate house numbers. Basement suites are assigned a "B" suffix; and detached accessory suites are assigned a "C" suffix;

(vii) an address change may be requested by the Owner or Developer for any property; and is responsible for the cost, as set out in the City's Fees and Charges Bylaw, 2006. Proposed new addresses are provided by the Geomatics Division and options discussed with the Owner or Developer;

(viii) reuse of existing addresses are avoided where possible, unless the front door is facing different street or if a new Owner or Developer requests an address change; and

(ix) discretion may be used by the Geomatics Division when addressing a dwelling without a clear street frontage or front door location.

(x) the General Manager, Engineering and Regional Utilities, is authorized to approve the assignment of Single Family and Duplex Addressing.

(b) Multi-Family and Commercial/ Industrial/ Institutional Addressing

The City provides a consistent approach in the assignment of addresses for multi-family residential developments and commercial, industrial and institutional buildings. Addresses are assigned by Geomatics Division on the following basis:

(i) each building on a multi family residential property is addressed separately and unit numbers are assigned for individual suites or units in each building. For multi-level buildings the unit numbers will match the floor (ie 101, 201, 301 for floor 1, 2, 3);

(ii) row houses are given separate addresses for each unit;

(iii) each building on commercial/industrial/institutional property is addressed separately and unit numbers are assigned for individual suites or units in each building. To leave available numbers for future consolidations or divisions of existing units, numbers assigned are 10 numbers apart (ie 110, 120, 130). Consolidations or divisions are assigned new numbers in existing sequence (ie: 110 plus 120 result in new unit number 115. Division of unit 110 will create additional unit number 105);

(iv) addresses are assigned based on building location, as many multi-family, (examples are set out in Schedule "B" of this Bylaw) commercial, industrial and institutional developments have shared driveways and possibly alternate access;

(v) addresses for each building are off the street to which the primary driveway serves the particular building;

(vi) where applicable, the Developer may provide unit numbers or work with the Geomatics Division to determine most appropriate number assignments;

(vii) reuse of existing unit numbers and addresses are avoided where possible; and

(viii) discretion may be used by the Geomatics Division when addressing a building where its frontage is in a different location from its main access.

(xi) the General Manager, Engineering and Regional Utilities, is authorized to approve the assignment of Multi-Family and Commercial/ Industrial/ Institutional Addressing.

(c) Affixing Building Numbers

(i) Every Owner or Developer of a building which is assigned a number must supply and affix, or cause to be affixed, the assigned number in a conspicuous place on the building or display it elsewhere on the property where it can easily be seen from the driveway entrance.

(ii) For detached accessory suites with access from a lane, the assigned number must be affixed where it can be easily seen from the lane.

(iii) Pursuant to Subsections (i) and (ii), all assigned numbers must be:

(A) no less than 100 mm (4") in height, and

(B) of a dark colour where placed on a light background or of a light colour where placed on a dark background.

(d) Reconsideration of a decision by Council:

(i) The Owner or Developer that is subject to a decision of the General Manager, Engineering and Regional Utilities, is entitled to have Council reconsider the matter.

(ii) A decision by the General Manager, Engineering and Regional Utilities, assigning an address in accordance with Subsections 5 (a) and (b) may be reconsidered by Council upon the receipt of a written request by the affected Owner or Developer to the City Clerk.

(iii) A request for reconsideration must state the reasons for the reconsideration.

Offence and penalties

6   [Repealed, B/L 3063-2020.]


7   Bylaw No. 60-95, cited as "Building Numbering Bylaw", and any and all amendments, are hereby repealed.

READ A FIRST TIME on November 16, 2015 READ A SECOND TIME on November 16, 2015 READ A THIRD TIME on November 16, 2015 ADOPTED on November 30, 2015

Schedule "A"


In this Bylaw, unless content otherwise requires:

"City" means the City of Abbotsford.

"City Clerk", means the "Director, Legislative Services/ City Clerk", for the City or designate.

"Developer" has the same meaning as set out in the City's Development Bylaw, 2011.

"General Manager, Engineering and Regional Utilities" means the General Manager, Engineering and Regional Utilities, for the City or designate.

"General Manager, Planning and Development Services" means the General Manager, Planning and Development Services, for the City or designate.

"Geomatics Division" means the City's Geomatics Division.

"Occupier" has the same meaning as defined in the Community Charter.

"Owner" has the same meaning as defined in the Community Charter, and in relation to strata property includes a strata corporation.

"Planning and Development Services" means the City's Planning and Development Services Department.

Schedule "B"

Examples of Addressing in Various Multi-family Lot Configurations