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Development Cost Charge Notification Policy

 1 Purpose of this policy
 2 General notification of change
 3 Subdivision
 4 Building permits
 5 Collection of new DCC rates after third reading of a DCC bylaw

Purpose of this policy

1   To establish a process for notifying the public of changes in development cost charges.

General notification of change

2   Upon third reading of a development cost charge by-law and submission of an application to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs for approval of the new DCC Bylaw, the City shall:

(a) Notify the public through a notice in the local newspaper including a summary of the proposed rate changes as it affects different classes of development. The notice should be repeated on a monthly basis.

(b) Post notices on City Hall on notice boards and on the counters in the Engineering Services and Development Services Department (both Planning and Inspection) of the pending DCC charges.

(c) Attach notices of the pending DCC rates to development application forms.

(d) Notify development industry groups, e.g. Home Builders Association.


3   (1) The provisions of the Local Government Act shall apply to subdivisions for which an application has been made but a decision has not been rendered by the Approving Officer

(2) Subdivision applications will be accepted after third reading of an implementing zoning bylaw only where the applicant agrees in writing, at the time of filing an application, that municipal bylaws applying to the property shall be those in effect at the date of rezoning being finalized. In all other cases, the subdivision application will be immediately rejected.

(3) In the case where a subdivision has a 90-day Preliminary Layout Approval (PLA) the old rates would apply and, as per policy, one extension would be given if the request was received in writing prior to the expiry of the PLA.

(4) In the case of subdivision applications, where a 90-day preliminary layout approval has given and extended for a further 90 days, there will be no further extension of the PLA and, therefore, the new DCC rates would apply.

Building permits

4   Where the Inspection Department has received building permit applications which fulfill all application requirements, the DCC rates in effect at the date of the acceptance of a fully completed building permit application shall apply.

Collection of new DCC rates after third reading of a DCC bylaw

5   (1) Upon third reading of any new DCC Bylaw, rezoning applications before Council, which are approved in principle but rejected for items not budgeted, shall be rejected for the new DCC rates if the applications were received less than 70 days prior to the third reading of the new DCC bylaw. The 70 days shall include the day third reading was given.

(2) Where Council has already made a decision and the rezoning has not proceeded to the bylaw stage, the rejection items will not be revised to reflect the proposed new DCC rates.

ADOPTED on 01 01, 1995 LAST REVISED on 02 11, 2008